
Black Warrior Weave is an Etsy buisness that creates handknit items, handmade pom poms and more; all started by a 12 year old. Here at Black Warrior Weave we promise two unique things in our shop.

1. All items are ready-to-ship. All items have been made and are ready to be shipped to where their destination may lead them. This creates less stress on me making items on time and less patience you have to have to wait for your purchase on coming to your home.

2. All items always have and always will be made in a 100% smoke-free environment. The family living with me in my household has NEVER smoked and has NEVER thought of smoking.

At Black Warrior Weave we also sort out all our items by color, size, type of material, type of design and type of item to make sure you get EXACTLY what you paid for.

If you would like to take a look at our shop, here is the link below:

Black Warrior Weave- Etsy Shop